An Akashic Record reading will give you insights into past life blocks and restrictions that are still in play in this incarnation and influencing . However, often the soul chooses to create experiences that are painful because it wants to have a certain experience or learn something from that experience. Energy, Your Soul Blueprint Alignment, & Using Your ... Rate $450. A 45 minute reading focused on the last three months of 2021 to help you get clear on your path forward and how to use the lessons of the last year to move forward into your most powerful self in 2022 - better aligned with your Soul Blueprint! Drop your karma. This is a fun and enlightening episode. Lotus Destiny These 2 aspects are your Divine Gifts and your Soul Group of Origination. Please let me know if you need a 2 payment option. Manifesting made Easy with a reading about your Soul Blueprint. April 25, 2019 Akashic_12_light Leave a comment. What are you here for this lifetime? the Flower Of Life Akashic Certification Program(tm) provides a soulful blueprint for her radiant rise individually & collectively. Through this special type of Akashic Records Reading, Sarah can identify your Soul Blueprint and help you to clear blocks and restrictions. Before our session, which can be in-person or over skype, I will access information about your Soul from your Akashic Record. The Akashic Records:Blueprint for Your Soul (A ... Soul Realignment 101 is the practice of identifying the warping in order to "Realign" to our Soul's strengths so as to improve our experience of life. FREE Shipping on orders over $25.00. In this Soul Realignment Akashic Record Reading Session you will receive: Soul Realignment - Soul Blueprint - Akashic Clearing. It's is an Akashic Reading using tarot cards, so your record will be opened. Think of them as the history book of your soul. I connect to your higher self and akashic records, and dive deep into your soul mission, your cosmic history, your blueprint. Understanding WHO you really are at a Soul level is a . Understanding your soul blueprint and making new choices that are in alignment with your soul's essence will create a shift; some subtle, some significant depending on how out of alignment you've been living. The Akashic Record is an energetic field of information we can access to better understand the soul's journey in our present life, and in every life we have ever experienced. Past Life is explored, karma & key lessons are drawn, curses, black magic, or the presence of wavered spirits are also highlighted in this report. Insights Into Akashic Records with Sarah Lawrence. I am trained in the Soul Realignment® method for Akashic Records Readings as an Advanced . Accessing this information can help one understand the particular lessons the soul is working through and to receive the healing perspective and messages your guides . They are like a big energetic database that give us access to your unique soul blueprint and soul memory. During this session, a few questions will be asked to create an opening for me to clairvoyantly see the sacred geometric images of your Soul Blueprint Activator. Mulikah Kay is the creator of the L.O.V.E Transformation Programme, an intuitive healing modality focused on the reading and clearing of the Akashic Records at the soul level as well as charting your lifepath which aligns with your soul purpose.. Over the past 1 year, she has helped her clients to clear their life blocks and restrictions and helped her clients find clarity in their life . The Akashic Records, or the Hall of Records, is the "place" where the story of your soul is recorded and stored. The Soul Star Akashic Records Reading - clear blocks and restrictions! This is a tailor made for you program which spans over the course of 3 months doing in depth work in your Akashic Record with 1:1 hourly sessions with Tatum each week. In this reading, I discover what is holding you back from creating the life you want. What's the difference between a Medium, Shaman, and an Energy Healer?2.… Relationship Readings. Akashic Record and Soul Blueprint reading based on your "starry home family" and unique gifts. The Akashic Records are a spiritual resource for personal empowerment and understanding that will give you a deeper knowledge of who you are and what your soul's journey is in this incarnation. The Akashic Records Hold Your Soul Blueprint. This forms your Divine Soul Blueprint at origination.. By accessing the Akashic Records, I can tell you what your Divine Soul Blueprint . The Soul Blueprint also known to as the energetic blueprint of your soul - the Akashic Records is expressed in sacred geometry to act as an architectural template for guidance, healing, and alignment. Akashic Tarot Reading. Melissa Hewison, Certified Akashic Women's Guide, Energy Healer, Creator Of Sweet Soul Sister The divine feminine is reclaiming her right to be here and within each one of us AT THIS TIME. An Akashic Records Healing Reading can help you discover your true Soul's blueprint and purpose in this lifetime and bring wisdom to the lessons to be learned from a loving, compassionate, higher-dimensional perspective. When I discovered Soul Realignment®, where I work with the Akashic Records, I knew I had found my true calling. Know your Souls blueprint - how you are wired, your gifts, talents and what to be aware of. $14.15. When you receive an Akashic Records Reading, this information comes through by comparing the Original Soul Blueprint to the current Soul Blueprint. All information already exists. Through this special type of Akashic Records Reading, Sarah can identify your Soul Blueprint and help you to clear blocks and restrictions. Your life unfolds according to your Akashic Blueprint™. What are the Akashic Records Akasha is a place that you can access with your mind. Our souls have a Manifesting Blueprint which can be discovered through our Akashic Record. Quite literally how you are designed to operate according to your original soul design! The Akashic Records shows you who you are and how you can best live to be in balance, become whole and manifest what you desire and what your soul longs for. In this session I access your Akashic records to discover your Soul Blueprint at the moment it was originated. The Akashic records, also known as the Book of Life, contains the Record of every Soul and all the information from every choice you have ever made throughout all of your Soul's lifetimes.. Every Soul was created with specific Divine Gifts and characteristics. In this Akashic Reading, discover more about how your Divine Soul Blueprint harmonizes (or not!) Saskia makes a sharp, thoughtful analysis of your soul's manifesting blueprint and knows how to translate it into practical tips and suggestions.. She can also easily relate to your story. The Akashic Records: Blueprint for Your Soul. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling . Akashic Soul blue print phone Readings, Re-educate Soul To Source, releasing Unconscious Patterns Beliefs healing Past life karma patterns HealingKarmic Emotional Soul Scars raising energy to higher vibrational frequency aligned with Source and expression of Soul, Insights and tools to transform your present relationships aligned with grace and love Timelines, blueprints, and guides are found here as well. Although calling the Akashic Records a library may seem overly simplistic . This reading uncovers your unique 'Divine Soul blueprint' of your Soul profile, . Accessing the soul's energetic records can provide valuable . The Soul Star Akashic Records Reading - clear blocks and restrictions! I learned so much and highly recommend Isabelle! The feel of this energetic field is extremely refined, crystal clear, sparkling clean and imbued with unconditional love, personal safety and genuine goodwill. . A follow up recorded healing meditation and chart heals and repairs energetic soul damage. Soul + Akashic Star Sessions Ready for a Next Level moon/group Ceremony? You'll also also hear a Past Life Story that contains a karmic pattern. Deprogramming can be done by various methods such as healing through the Akashic Records, Reiki, Meditation, and other energy healing modalities. A. SOUL BLUEPRINT ACTIVATORs giveS you an energy boost realigning back to your architectural template which we call the Soul Blueprint. Akashic Record Reader and Researcher. 2019-01-02T10:54:31-08:00. Akashic Tarot Reading . It's not a one-size-fits-all blueprint. My soul's purpose was helping others discover their own Divine Truth, and coaching is a way to do this. By Restoring Your Soul Blueprint. This is different fo. This could be - but not limited to - clearing of entity attachments, vows, curses, residue of negative karma . It includes: Akashic Record Reading and Clearing. In a Soul Blueprint session, you will learn: Live session is recorded for listening to again. A 45 minute reading focused on the last three months of 2021 to help you get clear on your path forward and how to use the lessons of the last year to move forward into your most powerful self in 2022 - better aligned with your Soul Blueprint! Soul Sessions and Akashic Star Sessions are one hour online community group sessions designed to activate your soul path and purpose and help you remember why you came here in this life using Astrology, Human Design, and the 23rd Dimension of the Akashic Records. Do you have a desire to understand your Soul's journey and gain more awareness about your spiritual path? Let's shed Light on your Divine Soul Blueprint with an Akashic Record reading. Client Love Bookings Open Menu Close Menu. The Akashic Records and Energy Healing are the 'tools' used, together or individually, to achieve this Realignment. where your soul comes from and . You'll learn how the differences between your Blueprints affect your relationship both positively and negatively! by Edgar Cayce Paperback. Wow! We will explore your Divine gifts and abilities and Soul Group qualities, aligning you to receive the Vital Force energy your Soul was originally created to use and operate . After a telephonic discussion, your Akashic Records will be accessed. AKASHIC BLUEPRINT READING. IN THIS EPISODE: 1. You read my soul to a perfect T. The guidance provided with the reading has truly been life changing for me. The source of this knowledge is your soul record accessed through energy work in the Akashic Record. Unsure if you are on the right path? The Akashic Records, or "The Book of Life," can be equated to the universe's super-computer system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. Soul Blueprint. $999 x 55% Off = $449.55 (Discount automatically applied) During the Akashic Records Reading, the recipient learns all about their . In Stock. You receive a 15-20 page report your Soul's blueprint based on your Akashic Records Reading and intuitive guidance. An Akashic reading connects you directly to the energetic database of your Soul's choices across all lifetimes and dimensions back to your original Divine Soul Blueprint. The Akashic Records, "Akasha" meaning "ether" in Sanskrit and "sky/heaven" in Hindi, energetically holds mystical data of every choice a soul has made. A Soul Realignment™ reading uncovers the unique Soul Blueprint, this information is translated from the akashic records and is decoded using a very disciplined and accurate frame of reference. The Akashic Records are like the window to your soul. We'll begin your journey with a first 1/2hour design session. 7d Manifestation Blueprint. Akashic Records. Your Akashic Blueprint™ is your soul's blueprint - or plan - for the major life experiences it chooses for your present life. It's unique to each of us. I will have accessed important information in your Akashic Records. Therefore, we tend to read for clients in our practices that match our own energies. It reveals the hidden patterns that carry over from lifetime to lifetime and includes an Akashic Records clearing that removes the influences holding you back from living your authentic life's purpose in this lifetime. When you are aligned with your Unique Divine Soul Blueprint, you can (and will ) create abundance on all levels - health, wealth, love and purpose. Align to your Soul Blueprint Akashic Records Reading Gift Certificate :: $999 Value! with someone else. This data is like a long travel journal! Many empaths feel as . Soul Realignment makes corrections to the the different dimensional levels of the Soul Blueprint to . The soul blueprint is who we are meant to be, our unique patterning and soul expression. Akashic Records reading. Tap into your source of effortless power. You'll learn how to clear patterns like this. The Top 7 Myths When It Comes To Using The Akashic Records As a frequent user of the Akashic Records, I wanted to dispel some of the myths I've heard, seen, and experienced that will enlighten and support you with using this cosmic realm for yourself which will hopefully install more confidence in using them for yourself. Divine Blueprints offers personalized 1:1 sessions, Group Programs and Healing Modalities to assist people in unlocking their True Soul potential through Soul Alignment. Through this powerful spiritual healing modality, we can clear and heal the negative karmic patterns through which we have created limitations for . Spiritual teachings, Akashic Records readings, and Soul Blueprint Alignments. $449.55. by Edgar Cayce Paperback. The original blueprint of your soul. Spirit Guide Reading and Coaching. Category: Soul Blueprint. Healing through the Akashic Records Readings and Clearing of Past Life Vows, Contracts & Agreements, What is Soul Realignment., the Soul Profile and the Divine Soul Blueprint Readings. She has used her intuition to build three different successful businesses and specializes in connecting clients to their authenticity through soul-level work, simple energetic exercises, and the power of intention to live an abundant life. Receive your very own SOUL BLUEPRINT ACTIVATOR. Add to Cart. Heal your ego. This includes Soul Profile information like your Soul Group of Origin- i.e. -The more you heal - The higher you go- The Akashic Records is a place for Healing, Transformation and Manifestation. By connecting to your personal Akashic Record, we access your energetic expression before negative choices impacted your human experience. Know yourself, Own your Power. Your Soul Blueprint is how your Soul level truth expresses itself for you as an individual. Host of the Becoming Divine podcast. Sarah Lawrence is an Intuitive Coach who has always been sensitive to energy. What kind of information will I find out in my Akashic Record? These are false beliefs or "blueprints" that do not belong to you which have been taken on by parental, cultural, religious, societal, or ancestral programming. It's where your souls' blueprint is stored—all your souls' pasts, presents and future—as well as possibilities that have not yet been created. . When not channeling information from the Akashic Records, you will find me planning an international adventure, gardening, being in nature, or spending time with my husband and animals. The Akashic Record is the living archive which houses all experiences and events, of all of creation, since the beginning of time. Relationship Reading/Clearing 2. You'll learn how to clear patterns like this. The Akashic Records offer us all the information we could ever wish for about the Divine nature of the Soul, our Soul Purpose, our Divine Gifts, and our path of spiritual evolution. Akashic Soul Knowledge and Healing Therapies Harness the powerful transformative knowledge of your Soul to create a life full of Power and Purpose. It's is an Akashic Reading using tarot cards, so your record will be opened. Embody your divinity. Through this comprehensive, step-by-step system of access, you will learn how to intuitively "read" the Akashic Records to discover exactly how the Soul shapes its . Healing Through The Akashic Records is based upon the universal energetic storage of all that is, was, and even all that ever will be. This type of Soul Profiling is exclusive to the Akashic Records Academy. We look at your birth chart and connect to the Akashic Records to pinpoint your soul's unique mission and identify any patterns or beliefs that hold you back from stepping into your highest expression. A blueprint session with Isabelle is 1000% worth it - it's such a wealth of information and really goes deep. The Soul Blueprint session. Feeling stuck? Actually the soul blueprints are kept in the Akashic Records - a dimension of consciousness that contain a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. The Records are an energetic library of the Universe. The Akashic Records or the "Book of Life" is an energetic library of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future. Ships from and sold by Within a week's span I SOUL GROUP OF ORIGINATION. divine soul blueprint consultation You will have a comprehensive 120 minute Akashic Record reading by myself either thru a phone call, Skype, or face-to-face. Your Soul Blueprint is your soul's operations manual. It is the Divine Soul Blueprint that determines our body's physical energy patterns, as well as the . Duration 10-15 minutes Rate 11€ / US $15. Akashic Record readers do attract specific clientele because of their message and/or own unique energies. Inga Nielsen is the verified author of this post. Cynthia Vianey, USA. Uncover the TRUTH of who you are at Soul Level. The Psychic Sense : How to Awaken Your Sixth Sense to Solve Life's Problems and Seize Opportunities. The Akashic Biz Blueprint will give you 2 important aspects of your Soul Profile, which will give you deep insight into your specific entrepreneurial skills and challenges. To understand how soul blueprint psychic readings are different it is important to understand what the blueprint is and how knowing about it can help you. $13.59. Discover your Primary and Secondary Life Lessons between you and the other person you are . Within the Akashic Records, the imprinting of every thought, feeling and action are recorded through individual Life Prints as well as Life Prints of all future possibilities. Soul Blueprint Psychic Readings Shine The Akashic Light On Your Path Tori Rayne is the verified author of this guest post. This item: The Akashic Records:Blueprint for Your Soul (A.r.e.) As I continue to study the work of Edgar Cayce, one of the most well-known Akashic Records Readers, one thing that stands out from his work is that he viewed the Higher Self as a separate aspect of our spirituality, and not the Soul itself. The Soul Blueprint also known to as the energetic blueprint of your soul - the Akashic Records is expressed in sacred geometry to act as an architectural template for guidance, healing, and alignment. 5. We are in a process of returning to our Divine Soul Blueprint and I wanted to just quickly explain what that is… You can think of the Divine Soul Blueprint as the underlying code or instruction manual that tells our various dimensional aspects how to energetically organize themselves. My Akashic Records reading was beyond phenomenal. ". You will also receive an Akashic Records clearing - a soul healing - of any issues from past life (or this life), that are ready to be cleared. When I did a Soul Realignment® Session for myself, I discovered my gifts were Divine Truth and Wisdom. Energy, Your Soul Blueprint Alignment, & Using Your Intuitive Gifts with Julia Wesley We get a little woo woo again as we chat with Julia Wesley on Akashic Records and Soul Blueprints. Akashic Soul Record Reading and Blueprint Healing SPIRITUAL RESPONSE THERAPY Multidimensional Self Healing Clairvoyant Psychic and Mediumship Readings Lotus Sword Etheric Surgery Lotus Sword Astral Device Removal Spiritual Development Classes Book An Appointment . I cannot express my gratitude! Soul Sovereignty Sessions. Answer (1 of 3): The Akashic Records is like a thread of data storing all actions, thoughts, situations, and circumstances of your many lives. Choose to live in ALIGNMENT with your Divine Soul Blueprint. During our session you'll discover who you are at soul level: the energetic qualities of your Divine Soul Blueprint, characteristics of your Soul Group, as well as your Soul Energy. The whole process takes about 3-5 hours for a 15-page Soul Profile Report to be created that highlights your soul journey. Your soul embarks on a journey on various planets, including the earth, with an original blueprint that accurately indicates the specific qualities and talents with which your soul wants to express itself. This short session indicates into which star system your Soul incarnated right after its origination from Divine Source. Feeling that something is holding you back? Divine Blueprints was founded after many years of helping people unlock their true Soul potential. I look back on my reading with great pleasure.. Saskia is a nice person, open, honest and straightforward. The following are some of the aspects we cover in your report. That being said, it is rare for me to read for a Blueprinter soul that doesn't show me both their soul group of origination and their Blueprint identity . The Akashic Record. Abbie Moon . Divine Soul Blueprint Activation Meditation (to be listened to for 21 days in a row) to help integrate your session into the physical, mental and emotional layers of the body * Soul Realignment® is an intuitive healing modality utilizing the Akashic Records to unlock our Soul-level potential and clear negative karmic patterns held at Soul-level. Access the STORY of your Divine Soul's Journey. The Akashic Records are a dimension of Soul consciousness that contains multi-universal blueprints, records of all Life, of all forms and bands of consciousness. Its founder has been aligned and connected for many years to the Akashic Records and Angelic Realms, assisting others to gain knowledge and understanding of their Soul and helping them shift negative Soul memory situations so they could experience a more abundant life. Manifesting Blueprint Reading. Experiences you may consider to be past lives, parallel lives, and potential future lives are all found here. You will discover everything you need to know from your Divine Soul Blueprint, which never changes from one incarnation to the next- it's simply who you are at soul level. The Akashic Records, or "The Book of Life",can be equated to the universe's super-computer system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. This session gives insight on your own unique manifestation process. What is the Higher Self? I help people remember and expand into their original Soul Blueprint by training them in the Akashic Records at a partitioner level. Are you. What is your soul's mission during this planetary shift from 3D to 5D. I live on the East Coast of the U.S., my favorite color is blue, and my soul group of origination is Arcturian. Your Soul Blueprint holds the information of your soul-level, Divine gifts and talents, traits, characteristics, how you are designed to receive vital force . More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred . Akashic Soul Record Reading and Blueprint Healing SPIRITUAL RESPONSE THERAPY Multidimensional Self Healing Clairvoyant Psychic and Mediumship Readings Lotus Sword Etheric Surgery Lotus Sword Astral Device Removal Spiritual Development Classes Book An Appointment . Yes, I want to get started! Going through a life transition? I help my students create soul based business in alignment to their Divine Soul Blueprint by using their energetic gifts so they can step into the leader and way-shower they came here to be. We can use this information to help us more easily accomplish a goal or vision for our lives because: Soul Realignment is a unique Akashic Records modality that combines a blend of present life information with past life readings. It's interesting information, and Isabelle tells you many different things, which gives you a decent amount of . You'll also also hear a Past Life Story that contains a karmic pattern. The Soul Blueprint is the energy that your soul is made of when it originated at Divine Source. Soul Realignment. At the Akashic Records, we offer Soul Profiling and Clearing Services. "If you are mulling over getting a Soul Blueprint reading, go for it. SOUL BLUEPRINT ACTIVATORs giveS you an energy boost realigning back to your architectural template which we call the Soul Blueprint. Spiritual growth, increased consciousness, heightened connection with . Soul Readings. Gift Certificate is good for one Akashic Records Reading, Soul Blueprint Report, & 2 Integration Sessions with Becca for one individual. It tells us how we're designed to manifest the outcomes we desire for our lives.

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